set different wages for different hours

Copper Contributor

      Hello guys, im quite new on excel, just would like to know how can I set set different wages for different hours, basically the sheet will have a start time for the shift and end time, the sheet would have a date, shift start, shift end, time on regular shift, total and 2 other columns which each of them would have 2 different wages from the regular one, and as soon as the person set the details, for example a shift from 14PM to 23PM, the wages would be £15 from 7AM to 18PM, £20 from 19PM to 22PM and £25 from 23PM to 6AM, but I cant figure out how to do it. Any one could help me with it?

1 Reply

>What would be his/her wages if it's 1400H - 2300H?
>are the shift start and end time fixed, or do they vary each day?