mouse keeps going in circles in excel on mac

Copper Contributor

Hi there

I'm new here. I'm having trouble editing my colleague's excel file which created in Windows 10.

When I open an Excel file on mac, I just use the touchpad to zoom in and find that the mouse keeps going in circles.


OS version: macOS Monterey 12.6.7
Excel version: 16.74 (23061100)
File size: 479KB


First, I looked at the process viewer, no operation is performed after opening the file, the %cpu of excel is below 35%. When I start zooming, the %cpu went from 70% to 104% while the mouse kept circling.

Sceond, in contrast to use my colleague's excel file as the same operation in windows 10, everything is normal.

Then, I open the new excel file on mac, operations of zoom in and insert the copy rows is done well.

I don't know what's the problems. How can I do to edit my colleague's excel file on mac?

Sincerely waiting for a solution.

Betty Jan

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