Microsoft blocks my own Macro Based Files.

Copper Contributor

Hi, Excel  Tech Team. I have Excel Files that have Macros applied with my software and once shared to my students or downloaded from my website there is an error "Microsoft has blocked Macros from running  the because source of file is untrusted. These are the files which are designed and developed by me for the  use of students globally. These do not carry any such codes which are harmful. All business related codes commonly used. Earlier i used ask my students to unblock the same from file properties, even that is not available now. The students follow the instructions to enable the Macros but still it shows the error. So how my problem can be solved? 

3 Replies



Thanks. It is quite disturbing when you see your own created Macro based files are being blocked. It is just an unnecessary step. What do you say?


The article @MathieuVandenHautte  provided lists possible solutions.


This is the part in the article specifically:

Macros from the internet are blocked by default in Office - Deploy Office | Microsoft Learn