How to use Unique and sort top 5 region and bottom 5 region sales performance

Copper Contributor

Hello everyone

Please help me as I'm learning how to use Excel. I need to give the top 5 performing region and bottom 5 performing region yet when the info is being viewed they must just type 1 for the top 5 and 2 for the bottom 5.


I'm struggling with the formula i should be using to do the above. Please help me cause you tube videos are not helping at all.




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If you have access to the TAKE function you can apply this formula. In cell G1 type 1 to show the top 5 regions or 2 to show the bottom 5 regions.

Region 1353 Region 2802 1 
Region 2802 Region 14802   
Region 3129 Region 15841   
Region 4775 Region 12948   
Region 5537 Region 7984   
Region 6424      
Region 7984      
Region 8541      
Region 9103      
Region 10493      
Region 11635      
Region 12948      
Region 13720      
Region 14802      
Region 15841      
Region 16774      
Region 173      
Region 18628