how to make a cell calculate a formula of an other cell

Copper Contributor



so i have this issue with my table:

i want my cell on the "result" table to calcul a different formula according to 2 criterias in a "database" table. i manage to rechercheV my formula so it appears in the cell, but the calcul of the formula is not happening


table "result" :

criteria 1   -   criteria 2   -   My cell


table database

column A : combinaison of criteria 1&2= 32 differentes lines

column B : 32 lines corresponding to 32 differents formula to apply in my cell depending on criteria 1&2 combinaison


so my formula was:


(sorry my formula is in french)

but with this formula, my formula appears as a text and isn't calculated

which fonction do i use to make so my formula is calculated?


thanks to helpers + sorry for bad english


21 Replies

@Hans Vogelaarsorry i didn't send the righ sheet, this one is the one

i found my mistake !
it was the "" for the conformity number, i removed them and now, this very long mother f*cking formula works !
i'll keep your macro in mind and try to make it work but for now i have a solution to my problem, thank you for your time @Hans Vogelaar