
Copper Contributor

need formula cell 1 payment example 100 cell 2 total own example 1000 need formula (cell 2-cell 1 divide by 20% over 12 months create new balance every month


1 Reply



need formula (cell 2-cell 1 divide by 20% over 12 months create new balance every month


You might get a response if what you wrote was clear.

  • Is "cell 2 -cell 1", for example, to be understood to mean 1000 minus 100? That's how it reads
  • or is it cell 2 -(cell 1 divided by 20%), i.e., do the division by 20% before the subtraction
  • and while we're at it, do you really mean "divided by 20%"?
    • I doubt it. To give an example,
      • 100 divided by 20% is 500.
      • 100 divided by 5 is 20, which is 20% of 100. My guess is that's actually what you mean.


I say all this not to be difficult, but to point out that Excel is VERY precise with its math, so it helps to be very precise with the words you use to describe what you want. Your words are open to multiple meanings, and they need to be more clear. The formula(s) you're seeking are no doubt quite basic, but it's hard to help until the need is made more clear.


 Maybe you could create a spreadsheet and show us, without formulas, what you are expecting it to look like. Or write it out on paper, the 12 months of entries; let us come up with the formulas that achieve what you depict.