Formula to Calculate Daily balances

Iron Contributor

I am struggling to create a stock balances file where I can easily know the closing balances PER DAY, and what I need to borrow from the Main store as explained in the file.

I have attached the file and would appreciate to be assisted.

I am using office 2019.


10 Replies
Starting in row 4 and filling down it looks like you could use:
and I would further recommend replacing the 5000 in this case with a fixed location where the Transfer Size is stored, so something like $Z$1 if you store that in cell Z1
Thank you.
My main problem is that I have filled in the quantities in columns N & O manually. Would it be possible to have a dynamic formula in this cells that would update as items are being issued.
Item Code store qty
CHEM1 main 10
CHEM1 issuing 965
CHEM1 main -400
CHEM1 issuing -1300

how about keeping record in one sheet and then pivot table?



I have edited the file again and I think if I could have the closing balances of the previous day become the new Opening balances of a new day, then I can manage to move on from there. Please see attached updated file. The file can be changed completely and not a must to appear the way it is. Important for me it to use the closing balances of the previous day as the new balances of the new day.


so here is the problem, we don't know what data you get/enter.
Since the format isn't fixed I agree with peiyezhu and you should completely reformat it as an entry table and then report tables separately. So for example:
Date . . . . . . . . Store . . . . . Item Code . . . Tx Type . . . Amount
2023-02-26 . . 123. . . . . . . . CHEM1 . . . . . used . . . . . . 400
2023-02-26 . . 123 . . . . . . . CHEM1 . . . . . . add . . . . . . 5000
2023-02-26 . . main . . . . . . CHEM1 . . . . . add . . . . . 100000

this type of ledger style can then be used with pivot tables, power query, or excel formulas to calculate everything assuming you have all the needed entries. But what I'm unclear about is how does the pull from the main get documented? who is to say someone doesn't pull 2 units because they are sick of getting only 1 each time or thought they needed 2 because there was a request for a big amount. And then what about the main? right now you are down to 1 but what if that goes negative (which I assume it can't so how in the sheet is more added to main?)
think of it this way, there are data entry columns and calculated columns and the 2 shall not mix. The 'ledger' style above would all be data entry. Elsewhere would be a reporting table with calculated values. Another table could be all the Item Info like:
Item Code - Item Name - Transfer Size
you could have other info like Min Qty that could be used to have a NEED TO ORDER table/report
That said a formula for N4 (orig sheet) could be: =MAX( 0, ROUNDUP((I4-P3)/5000,0))
so basically if I4 (used) is bigger than what is left (P3) then you need more from store and in increments of 5000 (or whatever reference amt you use) and you round up to cover the amount needed. The MAX( 0, ...) means if the value is negative (i.e. supply > need) then return 0.
Thank you.
Let me read and digest this... I will definitely revert.
As for pulling items from Main, there is a control system in place and the issuing store can only get the minimum packaging quantity needed to fill their gap. E.g. if chemical XYZ is delivered by the supplier in 1ltr packaging and the issuing store have a shortage of 2.5ltrs, then they will get 3ltrs however sickening 😞
I did omit the Purchases column which replenishes the stock since I wanted to upload a less complicated file. I hope this answers your query on the negative value. In my original file, I have a data entry column which is simply what has been ordered by end users, a purchases column where items are procured. I also have the balances calculation file and unfortunately, this is where I hit a deadlock.
I do appreciate your feedback.


I have tried to reformat the table though some areas are still not clear. Please have a look.

Let me explain the process.

1. The end users will request for items to be used the next day (upfront) from the Issuing store.

2.  The issuing store will prepare a summary of all these requested items which will be entered into a spreadsheet.

3. Upon entering this data, it shall be known if the issuing store has enough stock or will require top-up from Main store. If the latter applies, then the item will be issued to them from the Main Store as explained earlier. Stock levels for both Stores will be affected. For depleted items, they end users will choose an Alternative item till it is replenished.

4.  Every Month, they make a list of items that need to be procured. Of course.. assisted by the program in use.


What is not clear to me is the used and add tx type and where the data comes from. The program user is supposed to feed the data from end users and the program to do the calculations. They should be concerned with what the end users want and the program to calculate what is available from issuing store and if there is anything needed from Main store on a daily basis. May be I did not understand clearly your point.

running total? or summary by now?



each items store Date Store Type Item Code Transaction Type Amount balance 2023/2/21 Issuing Store CHEM1 used 400 -400 2023/2/21 Issuing Store CHEM1 Added 5000 4600 2023/2/21 Issuing Store CHEM2 Added 5000 5000 2023/2/21 Main Store CHEM1 Added 50000 50000 2023/2/21 Main Store CHEM2 used 50 -50 each items Date Store Type Item Code Transaction Type Amount balance 2023/2/21 Issuing Store CHEM1 used 400 -400 2023/2/21 Issuing Store CHEM1 Added 5000 4600 2023/2/21 Main Store CHEM1 Added 50000 54600 2023/2/21 Issuing Store CHEM2 Added 5000 5000 2023/2/21 Main Store CHEM2 used 50 4950



what do you mean by running total? or summary by now?

cli_add_html~balance by now;
select *,sum(iif(`Transaction Type` like 'used',-Amount,Amount)) balance from running_total_of_every_data_each_item group by `Store Type`,`Item Code`;

