FALSE Responses When using IF Equations

Copper Contributor



I have an IF equation with a Yes/No Response [=IF(C3="Yes","Buy Cupcakes",IF(C3="No","Buy Brownies")). This works fine. What I am now trying to do is have an explanation in the next column, kind of like if someone selects yes in C3, then it would display buy cupcakes which is fine. I then want another If equation that says "Yum" for the cupcakes but leaves the cell blank if they select No, what I am getting with this a return of FALSE. This was the equation I used:




I think I need some sort of condition for no that leaves the cell blank. How do I do that?

4 Replies


If you omit the false argument, Excel will default to showing FALSE:


To show a blank instead, you could use:



That wors perfectly when I have two conditions. What do I do when I have three conditions and it only needs to be blank for one of them. This is what I tried, but it didn't work 😞

=IF(C6="Yes","Explanation not required",IF(C6="Not Applicable","Explanation not required,"IF(C6="No","")))

I am trying to use an excel spreadsheet that will heavily automate a task for us hence all the questions....


You can arrange it as an IF-OR:

=IF(OR(C6="Yes","Explanation not required",C6="Not applicable"),"Explanation not required","")


As variant

  OR( C6 = {"Yes","Not applicable"} ), "Explanation not required",