No tooltip on links on "79.0.313.0"

Iron Contributor

latest broke link tooltips can't tell where link is going.

9 Replies
Nice eyes :)
at first I thought you meant the link tooltips that appear next to your mouse cursor when you hover over them, which are working correctly. but then I realized you were referring to the tooltips that appear at the bottom left corner of the browser and that is Indeed missing in this version..

About .313

This version has been removed ?
I was in .313, I reinstalled Canary, and this is the .309 version

Yes probably removed from the server



Ok, thanks

No problem



Yes the display of the link at the bottom of the window.....a way to see where a link may take you.


and it is still broken on 80.0.315.0

Yeah, there are more things broken in this build too such as YouTube website. here is a temporary workaround

@RedBeta It seems that this bug has been fixed in the latest Canary build (80.0.317.1).

Build .316 is removed from the servers, now the latest canary is again .315