Microsoft Edge.. When viewing a PDF, I hope the table of contents does not disappear.

Copper Contributor
When viewing a PDF, Microsoft Edge

I hope the table of contents doesn't disappear.

When you click on a PDF or perform other actions, the table of contents disappears. 
I have to click every time to open the table of contents, but I wish there was a setting to always have the table of contents open.
6 Replies



Hello, if you are talking about the toolbar in pdf, you can pin this toolbar in order to always have it.

Tio_Dep_0-1624450180413.png right side of the toolbar in pdf viewer

(it's an old document :) )


Thanks for the quick reply.
However, what I want is not the fixation of the Toolbar. It is Sommaire on the left side of the image you sent.

I need a way to fix the Sommaire window. If you click on the screen or perform another action, the Sommaire window disappears and you have to press the Sommaire button again.
So, i understand, i have the same problem !
Yes. I, also, would like to be able to "pin"/"lock" the table of contents of the PDF that I am viewing so that it stays there without closing while I click around on the PDF and manipulate it. Hope this gets done. Frankaupolis =·)
2024 and still waiting for this feature, how complicated could be, right?