How to remove the "discover" button?

Iron Contributor

After my microsoft edge dev updated to 111.0.1619.2, there is a "discover" button on the top-right corner of the browser window, which is VERY annoying. Each time when my mouse hover on it (even without a click), the discover menu and sidebar pops up. How can I remove this "discover" button?



33 Replies

Adding this registry key will disable the Bing Discover button and the sidebar. Just add the key and then restart Edge.


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00





I have no desire to disable it! Have a good day.

Beautiful....the safest way to do it for those of us who lost the on/off slider for this bloatware on the last update.
Mad props.
Thank you. This is driving me crazy and i am not the only one. It is one ugly and useless button.
If I have to do these shenanigans (registery etc.) to remove it, easier to move back to chrome or firefox.
These types of things are happening way to often and progressively getting harder to solve.

Thankyou so much for this! Lifesaver!! :happyface: @Engleitner 

Thank you for pointing out this option. worked like a charm to remove the button
Worked a treat! Thank you.

@oghaki the word is hOver , and not hOOver




Hi, Update - currently Stable version -> 111.0.1661.54 Edge. provides the ability to hide the Discover! button in the settings!

Microsoft fixed it and it's worth emphasizing that it works well!

Best regards.


It seems to be becoming much more common for Microsoft to just throw out partially working changes. The Microsoft method if you will.

By that I mean FORCE a change onto users and wait to see:
a) did it work,
b) was there much squealing,
c) any changes needed,
d) implement some changes for loudest squeals,
d) repeat util the squealing is down to an acceptably low level.



Changes typically work their way through Canary --> Dev --> Beta --> Production


Changes, additions must occur for a product to evolve. Some great ideas may not go over with the majority, that is simply the way development works. And progressive software company will face the exact same challenges. I hope we see MORE of this in Microsoft Edge, the bad stuff can get weeded out, the good stuff remain. This discover button issue was blown way out of proportion by some. And it's doubtful they ever clicked the feedback button on it.

The "Discover" button may appear on different applications or platforms, so the steps to remove it may vary. However, here are some general steps that you can try:

Check if there is a setting to remove the button: Look for a setting or option within the application or platform's settings menu that allows you to hide or remove the "Discover" button. This could be located in a "Preferences," "Settings," or "Options" menu.

Use a browser extension: If the "Discover" button appears on a website or web application, you can try using a browser extension that can hide specific elements on a web page. Ad-blockers or content blockers may have options to block or hide certain elements.

Use custom CSS: If the "Discover" button appears on a website, you can use custom CSS to hide the button. You can use browser developer tools to inspect the button element and find its CSS class or ID, and then add custom CSS code to your browser's user stylesheet to hide the button.

Modify the application or platform's code: If you have access to the application or platform's code, you can modify it to remove the "Discover" button. This requires some knowledge of programming and may not be possible for all applications or platforms.

Note that removing the "Discover" button may not be possible for some applications or platforms, as it may be a core feature or function of the application. Additionally, modifying the code of an application or platform without proper authorization or permission may violate terms of use or licensing agreements.


It's all weird and funny (I didn't register and I don't need AI Bing, and I received an email:




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