Dark Mode Omnibox now WHITE

Copper Contributor

The latest Edge release 81.0.416.12 has changed the OMNIBOX color to white.

I have set the theme to DARK and prior to the latest realease the omnibox was black.

I want the black URL box back. Ideas?

6 Replies

@khunopie Thanks for reaching out, and welcome to our community! What type of device and OS are you using? And if you haven't already, can you please submit feedback with a screenshot through the browser? 


Fawkes (they/them)
Project & Community Manager - Microsoft Edge

@Deleted  I had installed a black theme named "slinky elegant" using Get CRX. 

I had to Reset Settings to drop the theme and get the black omnibox back.

So the white box problem is solved, except the theme I like is gone


I'm on a windows 7 Lenovo laptop.



@khunopie wrote:

I'm on a windows 7 Lenovo laptop.



With Extended security updates?

because normal support ended for it 2 months ago.

@HotCakeX No extended updates. Living dangerously

Hmm okay if you like it that way :)