Can't see Copilot icon anymore!

Brass Contributor

Hey everyone.

Today, after updating Microsoft Edge in my Windows 11, I can't see Copilot icon on top right of the window anymore (even in Edge Dev and Edge Can). Also, I can't access Bing Chat over sidebar shortcut that I've created. Why?? Actually, the last version of Edge was greatly working and didn't have any problems. I could completely work with Copilot, even in PDF files; but not anymore. Well, what should I do??:expressionless_face::loudly_crying_face:

Thanks for your support.

22 Replies


Patience does not work:unamused: and my Copilot IS NOT BACK even in Can, Dev, or Beta. I wonder how it happened, and it seems that there will no coming back for Copilot; because 2 updates were released for Edge last week and none of them had Copilot:facepalm:

@NouriehFerdosian actually it worked for me... not sure how but if its not because I tried different versions then maybe its because i reseted my pc or i was just lucky enough to have it back

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