Tech Community Live: Windows edition
Jun 05 2024, 07:30 AM - 11:30 AM (PDT)
Microsoft Tech Community

New System Setup "Bugs"

Copper Contributor

Server 2019, SQL 2019, Endpoint Configuration Manager Full Version (2107) 5.00.9058.1000, Client Build 5.00.9058.1018.


1. Configuration Manager Status Message Viewer is "blank" for all filter settings.

2. Site Status states that the Management point is "RED X", and the Storage Object has a Total of 0 Bytes

3. Component Status shows ALL GREEN except SMS_STATUS_MANAGER is in "WARNING" but then again because of #1 I can't see/find any of the error (or even "ALL") messages for any time filter setting. 

4. Is ccmsetup.exe supposed to be running on the Site Server (only one server in my domain).


It has been a real long time since I ever did perform a setup or operated System Center or the "new" Endpoint Manager platform.

3 Replies
Do you have any Endpoint Protection, AntiVirus, or security products running on the server?

I do, and since this is a small site SQL 2019 and Endpoint Manager reside on the same physical server. Any quick links or recommendations as I start researching all the exclusions for both pieces of software?

best response confirmed by Rastor728Gold (Copper Contributor)
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best response confirmed by Rastor728Gold (Copper Contributor)