Data Streamer - Settings dialog in German


hi there,

the settings dialog, which can be called has several issues for the translation into German. From the German version of Data Streamer, this dialog can be opened by clicking on Erweitert from the Data Streamer ribbon. The second page of this dialog looks like the following screenshot.





I would say beim instead of bei for the translation of the text of the third checkbox. And, there is a typo there, one c too much (already reported). The last sentence in this dialog is fully untranslated. The button Apply is untranslated too.


The list, which can be called from Parity / Parität includes entries, which are incorrectly translated. The word Mark from the English original should be better translated to Markierung (Substantive) instead of Markieren (Verb). Raum is incorrect and should be Leerzeichen (Space). I would prefer Keine instead of Ohne for the translation of None.image.pngThe list, which can be called for Handshake, seems to be untranslated. However, I am not an export for COM ports and therefore I don't know, if the English options are allowed in German too.image.png

In my tests, I connected a CSV file to Data Streamer. If you then open the options again and change an option for the COM port - only there - and press Cancel (Abbrechen) you get an untranslated confirmation message box in English.




Note: even in English, I personally find the appearing of this message confusing - as it seems only to be related to the COM port settings and not for the other options above. And it does not always appear and seems to be triggered only if a connection (in my case a file) is active.




3 Replies

Hi @Mourad Louha, here's one of the outstanding answers: The options in the Handshake dropdown (RequestToSend etc.) are English and in CamelCase by design. Greetings, Janna

Hi @Mourad Louha, the issue with the untranslated message (last one in your list above) has been resolved. Unfortunately, the wording has not been changed in English. Can you live with the current version of the text? I've attached it here for your convenience. Thanks, Janna

Hi @Janna Braeuning,

thanks! I can not see yet the German message in my last version for Data Streamer (5.4.7109), but it looks very good on the screenshot you kindly provided.

Regarding the English message, I am fine with the message text itself. Maybe my note was not much precise and I hope there was not a misunderstading here. What I would like to have said, is that the message box does not always appear each time I try to cancel changed settings - but only in certain situations. Personally, I can live with that, but I think for some users it may be confusing.

