You are invited - Conquer Phishing Attacks with Strong Authentication - December 7, 2022


Microsoft recently announced the General Availability of Certificate- Based Authentication (CBA) and the public preview of Conditional Access Authentication Strengths within Azure AD.


We will be giving guidance for customers on how to leverage Thales PKI/FIDO2 devices within Azure AD to protect against phishing attacks and meet US Executive Order (EO14028) MFA requirements.


We will have a live discussion hosted by experts Matthew Isbell, Product Manager Identity and Network Access for Microsoft, and Gregory Vigroux, PKI & FIDO Product Line Manager, for Thales Group.


Thales will be highlighting their combined PKI/FIDO FIPS compliant devices for both FIDO2 and PKI/CBA authentication.


Topics Covered

  • Go passwordless by using FIDO2 keys and PKI structures
  • Specify and control access with Conditional Access (CA)


This level 100/200 presentation applies to IT and Security groups at federal and state government levels challenged with finding stronger ways to protect their infrastructure against attacks.

  • Azure Active Directory, Microsoft 3...

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