Oct 08 2019 01:14 PM
I am trying to test WVD and have a free subscription. I successfully deployed WVD this past Saturday. I deleted the deployment due to it failing the client domain registration. I made sure to delete all aspect of the deployment to start over. Each time I try to redeploy with the same resources 4CPU and 16GB's of memory for 3 clients it fails every time. I know that there is a quota with the Free subscription. Since I reached that quota the first time, but have deleted the deployment. I would like be able to redeploy the same resources without upgrading to pay-as-you-go since I still have $200 in credit left. When I try to redeploy I get the error below. Is there way to reset the quota flag to allow me to redeploy WVD again or is there a waiting period before the Free subscription will allow you to deploy up to the quota limit again.
Errors The template deployment 'rds.wvd-provision-host-pool-20191008135426' is not valid according to the validation procedure. The tracking id is 'a8da37b6-8197-4cc7-b58d-2a9b85f03fcf'. See inner errors for details.
Any assistance would be appreciated.
Oct 08 2019 03:21 PM
same issue when trying to deploy a new host pool today. i opened a support ticket in azure.
Oct 08 2019 04:04 PM
Oct 09 2019 01:46 PM
@Wes1879our issue turned out to be a vCPU cap for our subscription. i had to downgrade some vms (dev) and delete some others and then deployment succeeded.
Oct 09 2019 05:08 PM
@stevenh2019 Yes you are correct about the cap it is set at 4vCPU. I found this out when I contacted support. If I deploy 1vCPU then the deployment succeeds, anything more than 1vCPU the deployments fail. My issue is that my fist 4vCPU deployment was active less than an hour before I deleted it. I am trying to find out if the first successful deployment although not even an hour in use means I can't deploy another 4vCPU WVD deployment. That wouldn't seem sensible to me and I've yet to hear anything from MS on this. I really don't to upgrade to pay-as-you-go when I have $200 in credits still left.
Apr 16 2020 12:02 AM
I am deploying the first time WVD facing these error.. please reply if anyone know the solution.
The template deployment 'rds.wvd-provision-host-pool-20200416121536' is not valid according to the validation procedure. The tracking id is 'a8c31557-4fce-4c1b-bd77-d5c40f49dd2b'. See inner errors for details.