Networking multiple labs

Copper Contributor

Is it possible to network multiple labs together, for instance one lab image that has Server 2019 running on it to another that has a Linux distro running. I want students to log on to Server 2019 and connect to another lab environment that has Linux. Is that even possible? I know that nested virtualization works; however, it doesn't for my use case because I need to run an emulator on the Linux side that needs to be the host OS. Or is it possible to publish two images to one lab?

1 Reply

Hi @7inux - is it OK if you refer to the VMs in the other lab by IP address?  You can use Networking Peering with Azure Lab Services (more info here: ).  This would enable you to create two labs with network connectivity between them, but you would need to refer to the VMs by IP address in this setup.  Let me know if that's sufficient!


~Peter Hauge [MSFT]