Apr 25 2023 02:14 AM
The next Access Europe meeting will be on Wednesday 3 May 2023 starting at 18:00 UK time (6PM UTC+1) and finishing at about 19:15 (7.15PM)
The start time is equivalent to 19:00 (7PM) in Central Europe and 10AM in Seattle / PST
Please note that the UK is now on Summer Time (UTC+1). For local times, please check https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/
I am pleased to announce that fellow UK developer Peter Bryant will be leading a presentation called Automating DSN-Less Communication to SQL Server
Topic outline:
Code (and some data) to enable you to fire and forget application upgrades to different networks. Just build and send the customer the ACCDE that works on your development network and have it automatically re-connect to their server and database on first run. It works with more than one target SQL Database in the system. The user then just saves that new ACCDE to distribute to users. The solution has been proved with many clients and the code will be available afterwards; also included will be instructions and all the SQL Scripts you need to create a test environment to prove the code before trying to put it into your own projects.
The test application (which will come with the downloads) also demonstrates how you can switch the front end between your (or your users’) TEST, UAT and LIVE environments at just the click of a button (subject to version numbering).
The presentation will show you how it all connects up and how you can add to your existing projects.
For more details, see: https://accessusergroups.org/europe/event/access-europe-2023-05-03/
The meeting will again be held on Zoom. When the time comes, you can connect using: Join Zoom Meeting. I hope you will join us for what should be a very interesting session.
As always, the session will be recorded and the video uploaded to YouTube after the event
Also, early notice that on Wed 7 June, we will have Thomas Pfoch from Germany who will be leading a presentation on Maps for Microsoft Access
May 06 2023 07:55 AM
The video of Peter Bryant's Automating DSN-Less Communication to SQL Server presentation to Access Europe is now available on YouTube:
A PDF of the presentation used in the session and the example databases can be downloaded from https://www.isladogs.co.uk/aeu-15/
Also, in a change of plan, the planned session by Thomas Pfoch has been postponed. Next month's session will now be led by Tom Van Stiphout on the topic of the new Northwind 2.0 template databases