How do I copy design elements from one form into another?

Copper Contributor


I have created multiple forms inside my Access document.

Created FormsCreated Forms

I would like all of them to have this little navigational menu that I have designed (so far it's in only one of my forms). So, I would like to copy this menu into the other forms.

Elements I'd like to copyElements I'd like to copy

However, when I select the elements that makeup my menu, the “Copy” option becomes grayed out and I can’t copy my elements.

The "Copy" option is disabledThe "Copy" option is disabled

How do I copy design elements from one form into another?


Thank You for the help.

4 Replies
put those object into a "new" form. next, make the "new" form, a subform for all your forms.
You must have option to copy objects. Are you on layout view. Please open the form in design view, then try to select and copy.

@Harun24HR Thank You very much for your help. It worked with no problems.

Glad to know. If it helps then please tick mark the answer to treat the thread as solved.