How to create Microsoft Access web app?

Copper Contributor

2020-11-25.pngI am using Microsoft 365, I have MS Access but I can't find the "globe" on the templates to create a web app.  Do I need SharePoint? Would greatly appreciate your support. 


This is what I am trying to do.

16 Replies

Web App are dead.  Microsoft has killed off every web component of Access.


Depending on what exactly you are trying to achieve, there are a variety of options available to you




Terminal Services

SharePoint Backend (but this has major limits)

Use Azure as your backend


If your needs are simple enough PowerApps could be another option.


but truthfully, if the web is your goal, Access is simply the wrong tool for the job!  You should use proper web technologies, such as PHP, .Net, MySQL, Azure, ...


Microsoft deprecated Access Web Apps some years back. Unfortunately, traces of them linger on here and there, potentially misleading people into thinking they might fill a niche.

You can, as Daniel suggests, abandon Access in favor of some variety of browser-based web apps, if that meets your organization's needs and you if you have the time and resources to invest in attaining sufficient proficiency with the relevant development tools.

However, depending on your needs, Power Apps might be a viable complement to your existing MS Access relational database application.

In that scenario, you would have to move your data from an accdb into a data storage type that Power Apps can also work with. For example, if you migrate your data from the accdb into SQL Azure and link the Access FE to that Azure database, you can ALSO link the Power App to that same database and have both options available: a desktop experience for in-house users and a mobile device experience for off-premises users. 
So, depending on your specific requirements, this might be a viable option.


If you have remote DESKTOP users, the options are those listed before, but also using SQL Azure as the common database for accdb FEs for users at those locations.

@George_Hepworth @Daniel_Pineault


Thank you so much for your reply. I appreciate your support. I am not a computer specialist but a school leader. I run my independent school and would like to add some IT systems to it. 

Basically, what I want to do is to create a database that would have all data (Student Information/Management System), (Staff Management System), Client Information, etc...) All on the same database so that we can work with all data from one place. Also to be able to assign roles and permissions to who can access/change what. 

If changes/access can be made online then my team from their remote locations can work on the systems. Also, if those systems can be put on a website, then even clients can add their information, requests etc..

I apologize for the long message. I hope you understand my situation and guide me on how I can do this. 




Thank you so much for your reply. I appreciate your support. I am not a computer specialist but a school leader. I run my independent school and would like to add some IT systems to it. 

Basically, what I want to do is to create a database that would have all data (Student Information/Management System), (Staff Management System), Client Information, etc...) All on the same database so that we can work with all data from one place. Also to be able to assign roles and permissions to who can access/change what. 

If changes/access can be made online then my team from their remote locations can work on the systems. Also, if those systems can be put on a website, then even clients can add their information, requests etc..

I apologize for the long message. I hope you understand my situation and guide me on how I can do this. 



There are templates in MS Access that can help you get started with Student oriented relational database applications, although none of them that I am aware of would fill all of the requirements you mention. 

As noted, your choices include a hybrid, with an Access interface to a remote database containing the data, and a full-blown web-browser based application in which the interface is created as web pages and a remote database containing the data. 

Neither option is simple, unfortunately. Both require a properly normalized database as their foundation. 

Not to discourage you from tackling this yourself, but if you intend to include clients of your school and remote staff as users of the relational database application, I think the wise choice is to either purchase an off-the-shelf system or hire a competent developer to create a custom application for you. 

I speak from experience here. I tried to create such a relational database application for my daughter's school nearly 20 years ago. It was a mess. The school was disappointed and I was embarrassed.

Again, if you want to make this relational database application available to people who are paying you for your services as a school, they are not likely to be highly tolerant of a first-time attempt. It's worth the cost, in my opinion, of a professionally done job.

IMHO, Access simply will not fill this need and believe you will need to turn towards proper web technologies. That said such development has an extremely steep learning curve (html, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, PHP, MySQL, ...) And typically not for the faint of heart. If this was a personal project, is say dig in, but for something for public use I think you should turn towards a professional developers.


Given the fact that this relational database application is intended for external use, as well as internal use, Access is a non-starter as a stand-alone solution. You can't expect your clients to use Access.

That said, there is room for a hybrid solution, IMO, with an in-house Access FE through which you can manage administrative tasks, create reports and similar functions using the same remote data source as the one driving your website. 
Having implemented such a solution 12 or 12 years ago for a major University, I can say with confidence that a well-designed relational database solution combining the strengths of a desk-top Access interface and a web-browser interface can make for a strong solution.

Again, though, the fact that your clients will judge the competence of the school on their experience means to me that this is not a suitable "first-time in Access" project.

Thank you so much for your message. Looking at the amount of work needed, I am trying to see if I can find someone to do it professionally. I was wondering if you have recommendations for any good programmers etc.. and the kind of cost involved in such a project?


I'm retired and somewhat out of the loop, sorry. No current recommendations.



I fully agree, to a point. As you said, for internal purposes the hybrid solution can be an excellent solution. But because he mentioned clients as well, I pushed Access aside.

That said, this could be a 2 pronged solution, hybrid for internal and once that is working smoothly, then look towards building a web solution. As long as the specs for the project are at properly from the start then this could be very doable.



I should have been more clear. For the Sports Equipment testing lab at a major university, only internal users had the Access FE, linked to two SQL Server databases, one on-premises, the other on a remote host. The Access FE was used to collect and manage incoming test data. It then pushed summary data to the remote SQL Server database via a series of pass-thru queries and linked tables.


Their separate web app used that remote, or "cloud" database to collect requests for testing from clients and to present test result data to their clients and to any member of the public who wants to see the status of various pieces of equipment they might be considered for purchase. 

Access has a big role to play here, as does the web-browser based application. 

Thanks George. I appreciate your support. I am trying to work with a programmer now. I am also looking at filemaker pro as an alternative.
Thank you Daniel, I am looking for a programmer to work on this project. Thank you so much for your support. I am also looking at filemaker pro. Have you used it?
I've never used it personally, but did look at various alternative very seriously. What I found was most were very expensive and thus I've shifted over to PHP/MySQL, sometimes Azure. Not only are the cheaper, but I'm not tied to any company and it is much, much, much more flexible and versatile.

Ask that to say, check the costs very attentively!
I am having a reverse problem in that I downloaded a web template a few years ago and now I want o make it into a regular desktop app and I have exported the data to a new database but not all the forms are exporting. When I try and export them one my one or copy and past they say that the objects are unavailable and can not be accessed. Is there a work around. I donèt feel like having to rebuild all the forms and functionality.

@MSquarek  Microsoft only ever allowed the ability to download the data from Access Web Apps, and only for a period of time after they were deprecated. 


"forms" in an AWA were based on html and, IIRC, JavaScript or another browser based language, and had nothing in common with forms in an accdb. They wouldn't be exportable.
