Access doesn't close properly. A remaining background process can only be terminated in task manager

Copper Contributor

Since yesterday I noticed that in all my Access databases there is a problem when I close them.

When I close a database, it leaves a background process that can only be terminated in Task Manager. Without this, it is not possible to (re)open databases!

I have already checked some possible causes. It also concerns databases that I have not changed at all in recent months and that worked fine until this week. Therefore, I have to assume that it is a bug in an automatic update!

It seems that it has to do with a malfunction in the deallocation of allocated memory in VBA source code.

Did anyone experience the same problem? Are there already fixes or solutions available?

178 Replies

@isladogs LOL, so true. People just want to kill Access! I also find people are always putting down Access, especially tech people that have never developed or implemented an Access app. It's laughable. I have over 50 mission critical apps I've been managing for 2 decades and I never have any problems. I rapidly continue development so quick and easy...and fun. Users love it because I can literally create anything they need. I'm so happy I know the wonderful secret about how great Access is but concerned that no one else seems to understand how relevant it is, especially as I near retirement age. Here's a good thread on the crazy topic: Microsoft Access: Is it still relevant in 2022? - Explore Alternatives (

Absolutely true. I discovered Access back in 1994 when I went on my own and 28 years later I call it my one only business partner. I built my business on Access. I am so grateful.


<Any chance you are using an AutoExec Macro that is opening a form>



Placing the Access file in trusted location fixed the issue for us.




Microsoft has now released the fix.


This issue has been fixed in Version 2201 (Build 14827.20192)



You can manually force an Office update to get the fix.

With you on this. I can't tell you how many times I have put an Access application in place for an interim fix that turned out to be permanent. The list of alternatives on that list don't even come close.

@Wesport Totally agree


I had just settled in for a long weekend battle to see why this was suddenly happening to my project.

In 158 I was literally using up database connections by requerying data.  This could not have been tested before release! It's unacceptable, really. People are building mission critical apps in Access.


MS releases updates that break Access like this it makes both Access and me look bad to my group.


It's an awful feeling to be on a large Teams (or Zoom) meeting, looking at data together with a group and some people start crashing or getting unexpected errors because of these situations.

@Jlorbz 100% with you! FIRST they broke the creation/population of the temp file functionality at the end of Dec and then broke the functionality of the temp file again early last week. It affected all of my mission critical apps and literally 100s of peoples access to important databases. I am so angry and let down with Microsoft for doing this. I do understand the complicated integrated relationship of all these apps with the operating system but to release a version that blatantly breaks the intrinsic functionality of this application is completely inexcusable. I am still shocked and angry that they could have let this happen...twice!

I'm new to this Microsoft Tech Community, a made a post else where last week but got no response? so I will post here in the hopes someone will see this. I'm having major problems with the forced windows 11 upgrade. software in need to run will not run. I reverted back but it's still trying to force the upgrade and I can only delay if for a time? Help Anyone??
I am seeing this issue again:
Yesterday I noticed I had 20 Microsoft Access processes running in background.

Happening on Version 2201 (Build 14827.20192)
I Just updated to Version 2201 (Build 14827.20198) and still happening.

I can reproduce reliably.
To reproduce: All I need to do is open a accdb file that has a form. Once you open a form. When you close MsAccess the background process appears and stays.



According to MS, this should have been fixed in Version 2201 (Build 14827.20192)


Have you verified that this happens in any accdb, and is not isolated to the forms in just one? 

Yes I have several dbs. Happening on all. I even created a brand new accdb with 1 table that has one field and one form. Same issue.
This has been reported to MS. While we wait for a response, can you do a repair on your Access installation and make sure that the updates are in place afterwards?
Performed a local and online repair of office. Issue still persists. Hopefully a fix will be released soon.
Thank you for including the video! That might be very helpful in figuring out the problem. There is one other recent report of a similar problem, but nothing widespread yet. I hope someone from MS sees the report soon this morning.
ummm, the issue was resolved last week with an O365 update. Did you apply the most current update? What version do you have?
The OP reported that he DID install both the update which was supposed to provide the fix and one subsequent update. That's why this is a bit unsettling, in fact.
What is the version? Everything solved on our end and Access is functioning normally again.
What version are you running? Everything solved on our end and Access is functioning normally again.
First, you're replying to me, not to the poster with the problem. Also as I stated, he reports the versions he installed in his post and linked video.

There is now a second report on a different forum of the same set of circumstances. A recent update (today) didn't fix the problem after all. We're still waiting confirmation of the exact version in that report, though.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it's a coincidence, but recent history advises us to be wary nonetheless.