Turn on logs in Skype for Business Federation

Copper Contributor

We have are running SFB 2015 on-perm and enabled Federation only with two external compaies. I want to be able to monitor who are utilizing the Federation connectoin to these comapies. I did try to check event logs for application\Lync and Windows Logs but I didnt see any logs showing who and when are utilizing the Federation connection (on Edge and Front End) is there are way for me to monitor who is utilizing Federation? speaical Voice calls and conference with Audio.


7 Replies

Yeah, you'll want to set up monitoring for this: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj204937.aspx you'll want a SQL instance for this as well with SSRS (can't use SQL Express).  With that you can search through the reports or write your own SQL queries to get the info. 

Hi Anthony,


I do have moniotor in place and I can see conference activity report and conference activity by authentication type but it only give me number of federated calls\Conf. I need to be able to see the user ID that participate in these calls or atleast the conference ID to check who are the participated users.







Right, you'd have to dig down deeper into individual calls, or more likely if you had a specific report in mind you'd want to run your own SQL Query against the sessiondetails table joined with the Users table.

Thanks, Anthony,


I still don't find the answer to my question but thank you anyway I will keep searching and once I figure it out I will share my results. BTW session table and Users table doesn't have anything related to federation. so far only activity by authentication type the only one that shows if Federation has been utilized.


Again thank you, Anthony.


You're welcome.  The users table should include addresses outside of your domain as well, you can filter out your domain, and get a list if I recall.  Join that to the table however you'd like.

I will give it a try and will share my results. thanks again 

Script to provide Federated users conferencing. 


DECLARE @StartDate datetime
DECLARE @EndDate datetime
DECLARE @DayScan datetime

SET @StartDate = '2017-04-15T00:00:00'
SET @EndDate = '2017-05-15T00:00:00'
SET @DayScan = GETDATE()-30 --Gets date from 30 prior to execution of the query

SELECT [InviteTime]
      ,LEFT([ConferenceUri], CHARINDEX(';', [ConferenceUri]) - 1) As [Organizer]
         ,[UserUri] AS [Participants]
         ,[UserClientCategory] AS [Client Type]
  FROM [LcsCDR].[dbo].[ConferenceSessionDetailsView]
  WHERE (InviteTime >= @StartDate --Comment this line out if the DayScan variable in the next line is used 
              --WHERE InviteTime >= @DayScan
        AND InviteTime <= @EndDate) --Comment this line out if the DayScan variable in the previous line is used
        AND (UserClientCategory = 'OC' OR UserClientCategory = 'UCWA' OR UserClientCategory = 'OCPhone' OR UserClientCategory = 'iPhoneLync' OR UserClientCategory = 'AndroidLync' OR UserClientCategory = 'iPadLync' OR UserClientCategory = 'NokiaLync'OR UserClientCategory = 'LWA')
        AND McuConferenceUriType is not NULL
              AND UserUri NOT LIKE '%@companysipdomain.com' –Change this line and add the domain.com in question.  If multiple sip domains, copy this line and paste it on the next line and change the sip domain accordingly 

              AND UserUri NOT LIKE '%anonymous%'
ORDER by ConferenceInstance,InviteTime ASC