Skype for Business Phone registered online and QOS

Brass Contributor

Using Polycom VVXs I see QOS is being marked as DSCP 40 while the network design is EF for voice (DSCP 46)
There appears to be no mechanism to set this via Set-CsIPPhonePolicy
With an on premise deployment I would used Set-CsUCPhoneConfiguration where this can be changed


Also the setting coming from SFB can not be overridden. I have been adviced to stop the phone taking settings from SFB O and using a provisioning server. (This article while old talks to the issue)


Is this the only option? Any alternate advice?



2 Replies
Some switches/routers can make rewrite rules, rewrite 40 to 46

Thanks for the reply. True


Though I must admit its a bit annoying that SFB online effectively sets a DSCP value which I would say is a little unusual and which can't be changed