Remote Apps constantly get focus and coming to the foreground

Copper Contributor


we have several Remote Apps published from Windows Server 2022. Users can access them perfectly fine without any connection issues. However, these applications keep coming to the foreground constantly, which becomes annoying when the user is working on other programs on their local machine.


For example, a user is typing in a locally installed Word program, and suddenly the RemoteApp for the billing software comes to the foreground, taking focus away from Word. If the user doesn't notice, they continue typing in the Remote App window.


We haven't found any relevant settings that could be causing this behavior. We have disabled automatic reconnection to see if it has any impact, but it hasn't helped.


Both the client machines and the server hosting the Remote Apps are fully updated with Windows Server 2022. This issue occurs on both Windows 10 and Windows 11 machines.

It is truly frustrating and makes it very difficult to use the remote applications since they can never be left in the background.


We haven't found a solution in other threads, except for some very old similar situations related to Windows 8 or something similar.


Any clues or assistance would be appreciated.

3 Replies


Hello! You've posted your question in the Tech Community Discussion space, which is intended for discussion around the Tech Community website itself, not product questions. I'm moving your question to the Windows Server space- please post Windows Server questions here in the future. 

Hi, Did you find a solution for this? I'm experiencing the same thing.