HowTo: Get IP addresses assigned to Azure network interface resources.

Silver Contributor

Hi folks,


This is a quick script to retrieve IP addresses assigned to Azure guest network interfaces. The two key benefits this has over the portal is:


  1. Interfaces with custom DNS settings are flagged (since ideally, DNS setting should be coming down from the vNet);
  2. Network interfaces no longer bound to a guest can be easily retrieved across all locations and resource groups (where via the portal you can only check one resource group at a time.)


You will need the "Az.Network" module to run this script, and you should have already run Connect-AzAccount prior to calling it (since it's not a great idea to rely on implicit loading.)


It's basic but you should be able to extend this to suit your needs.


Note: If you choose to filter using the optional parameters, you may scope out public IP addresses since the parameters are passed to Get-AzPublicIpAddress and Get-AzNetworkInterface alike. You can change this behaviour yourself if you like, but I'd normally expect related resources to be co-located which is why it's written this way.



    [parameter(ParameterSetName="_default")][string] $Name = $null,
    [parameter(ParameterSetName="_default")][string] $ResourceGroupName = $null,
    [parameter(ParameterSetName="_default")][string] $VirtualMachineScaleSetName = $null,
    [parameter(ParameterSetName="_default")][string] $VirtualMachineIndex = $null,
    [parameter(ParameterSetName="_byResourceId")][string] $ResourceId = $null,
    [parameter()][string] $Location = $null

#region Arguments for splatting.
$ArgumentsForInterface = [hashtable]::new();
$ArgumentsForPublicIPs = [hashtable]::new();

if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Name))
    $ArgumentsForInterface.Add("Name", $Name);
    $ArgumentsForPublicIPs.Add("NetworkInterfaceName", $Name);

if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ResourceGroupName))
    $ArgumentsForInterface.Add("ResourceGroupName", $ResourceGroupName);
    $ArgumentsForPublicIPs.Add("ResourceGroupName", $ResourceGroupName);

if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($VirtualMachineScaleSetName))
    $ArgumentsForInterface.Add("VirtualMachineScaleSetName", $VirtualMachineScaleSetName);
    $ArgumentsForPublicIPs.Add("VirtualMachineScaleSetName", $VirtualMachineScaleSetName);

if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($VirtualMachineIndex))
    $ArgumentsForInterface.Add("VirtualMachineIndex", $VirtualMachineIndex);
    $ArgumentsForPublicIPs.Add("VirtualMachineIndex", $VirtualMachineIndex);

if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ResourceId))
    $ArgumentsForInterface.Add("ResourceId", $ResourceId);
    $ArgumentsForPublicIPs.Add("ResourceId", $ResourceId);

#region Build public IP list.
# Fetch all the public IP addresses. This may scale poorly for very large organisations but will save on expensive round trips for anyone not in that category.
# We're using a strongly-typed [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary] - in line with best practice, since we'll be creating the hash. See
$PublicIPs = [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[int], [PSCustomObject]]]::new();

    Get-AzPublicIpAddress @ArgumentsForPublicIPs |
        Where-Object { [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Location) -or ($Location.Equals($_.Location, [System.StringComparison]::OrdinalIgnoreCase)) } |
            ForEach-Object {
                if (-not $PublicIPs.ContainsKey($_.Id.GetHashCode()))
                    $null = $PublicIPs.Add(
                        [PSCustomObject] @{
                            objectId = $_.ResourceGuid;
                            name = $_.Name;
                            location = $_.Location;
                            group = $_.ResourceGroupName;
                            status = $_.ProvisioningState;
                            type = "public";
                            family = $_.PublicIpAddressVersion;
                            allocation = $_.PublicIpAllocationMethod;
                            address = $_.IpAddress;
                            customDns = $_.DnsSettings -and $_.DnsSettings.DnsServers -and ($_.DnsSettings.DnsServers.Count -gt 0);
                            id = $_.Id;

Get-AzNetworkInterface @ArgumentsForInterface |
    Where-Object { [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Location) -or ($Location.Equals($_.Location, [System.StringComparison]::OrdinalIgnoreCase)) } |
        ForEach-Object {
            $Interface = $_;
            $Machine = $null;

            if ($Interface.VirtualMachine -and ($Sections = $Interface.VirtualMachine.Id.Split("/")).Length -gt 5)
                $Machine = $Sections[-1];

            #region Process the IpConfigurations list.
            foreach ($Entry in $Interface.IpConfigurations)
                # Start with the common guest attributes.
                $Hash = @{
                    objectId = $Interface.ResourceGuid;
                    name = $Interface.Name;
                    location = $Interface.Location;
                    group = $Interface.ResourceGroupName;
                    machine = $Machine;
                    id = $Interface.Id;

                # Add any private address information and output that as an individual object.
                if ($Entry.PrivateIpAddress)
                    $Hash["status"] = $Entry.ProvisioningState;
                    $Hash["type"] = "private";
                    $Hash["family"] = $Entry.PrivateIpAddressVersion;
                    $Hash["allocation"] = $Entry.PrivateIpAllocationMethod;
                    $Hash["address"] = $Entry.PrivateIpAddress;
                    $Hash["customDns"] = $Interface.DnsSettings -and $Interface.DnsSettings.DnsServers -and ($Interface.DnsSettings.DnsServers.Count -gt 0);
                    [PSCustomObject] $Hash | Select-Object -Property objectId, name, location, group, machine, status, type, family, allocation, address, customDns, id;

                # Now do the same for public address information and output that as individual objects.
                if ($Entry.PublicIpAddress)
                    $PublicIP = [PSCustomObject]::new();

                    foreach ($PublicIpEntry in $Entry.PublicIpAddress)
                        if ($PublicIPs.TryGetValue($PublicIpEntry.Id.GetHashCode(), [ref] $PublicIP))
                            $Hash["status"] = $PublicIP.status;
                            $Hash["type"] = $PublicIP.type;
                            $Hash["family"] = $;
                            $Hash["allocation"] = $PublicIP.allocation;
                            $Hash["address"] = $PublicIP.address;
                            $Hash["customDns"] = $PublicIP.customDns;
                            [PSCustomObject] $Hash | Select-Object -Property objectId, name, location, group, machine, status, type, family, allocation, address, customDns, id;





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