Windows 11 broke AMD RX580 DisplayPort (after 3 attempted installs)

Copper Contributor

I've just gone through 3 attempts at Windows 11 Beta, the 3rd one seem to do something nasty.

First attempt, saw the Windows 11 Beta in Windows Update. Installed it. My primary drive has been cloned from PC to PC for many years. It has Bitlocker encryption without TPM, and uses a password at boot. It appears the upgrade process un-encrypted it. After the upgrade I couldn't boot, just got:


Reboot and Select proper Boot device

or Insert Boot Media in selected Boot device and press a key_


Couldn't repair it, reinstalled Windows 10. Then Windows update said my PC didn't support Windows 11. Huh....So ok I guess I'm stuck on Windows 10. Went to re-encrypt with bitlocker and it tells me it needs UEFI. Odd? Rebooted into the BIOS setup, oh right, my BIOS boot mode supports both Legacy and UEFI. Change it to UEFI only, Windows 10 won't boot...Reinstall Windows 10. Upgrade to Windows 11. Start menu in the middle of the taskbar, ok all good.


Let it sit for a while to auto-install drivers. I have an AMD RX580 graphics card on a Ryzen 2600 CPU. dual screens, one HDMI, one DisplayPort. Come back, screens are black. HDMI screen is black, DisplayPort screen turns on, turns off, turns on, turns off....etc


Reboot using PC reset button, still black screens with DisplayPort screen toggling on an off. hold down F11 on boot, get same issue.


Reinstall Windows 10...still have the same issue?? Doh! Unplug DisplayPort screen, HDMI screen now displays login. Phew. Log in, plug in DisplayPort screen, PC locks up. Unplug screen, PC no longer locked up. Install lastest drivers, plug in DisplayPort screen, still have same problem. Swap the HDMI and DisplayPort monitors over, problem fixed. So what happened here?

23 Replies
This problem drove me crazy for a while too. It seems the AMD driver that downloads and installs automatically, changes something on the video card that doesn't revert when you reboot the PC. I'm pretty sure this is an AMD driver problem, but it could be related to how Windows 11 does automatic HDR (high dynamic range). My own theory is the driver is setting the DisplayPort output to 10 bits (HDR) per pixel instead of the normal 8 bit, or something else slightly exotic, and then the display connected to the DisplayPort can't decode the signal coming across the wire. I fixed this problem by swapping my monitors over. Both of my monitors had HDMI and Display Port inputs, so I was able to swap them over between the HDMI and DisplayPort outputs on the graphics card. One thing I noticed was my 2 supposedly identical monitors were reporting slightly different capabilities. So potentially this is a monitor problem, where the monitor incorrectly reports its capabilities, and the video card driver is setting up the graphics card to output a signal the monitor can't handle. So something to try is swapping the monitor. Also a good idea would be to turn off the PC completely, including unplugging it from the mains power for about a minute. Sometimes a sticky hardware problem requires all power to be removed before it can be rectified.


Sorry, but you didn't read what I wrote.

If you were reading, you would know that I have swapped screens many times - to no avail.

If you were reading you would know that I was checking the card on another PC (which in itself required disconnecting the power for more than a few minutes) where it worked.

I wrote to techcommunity hoping that there are people with more experience than me who will help me bury me in the registry or services.

I am in touch with AMD support.

If a more advanced user or software engineer appears here - please contact me.

Has anyone responded on how to fix this?

I have the same problem.



I have the same problem.
2023 and nothing