Taylorb’s New Blog
Published Mar 21 2019 02:43 PM 264 Views
Brass Contributor
First published on TECHNET on Jun 14, 2008

I have been posting on the Virtualization Team Blog for the last month or so now and it’s been a blast!  From the comments on the posts and the e-mails I have been getting it seems like the content is helpful – which is great!  So I have started my own blog http://blogs.msdn.com/taylorb , I have replicated all of the posts to that blog and have started adding new posts!  This will make it much easier for me to respond to comments and inquires from all of you, so ask away…  I will do summery posts to this blog with links to the content on my blog for a while to ensure that everyone that is interested can get subscribed and what not…

I just wrote Hyper-V WMI – Configuring Automatic Startup/Shutdown/Recovery Action’s For Virtual Machines at http://blogs.msdn.com/taylorb so check it out and let me know what topic’s you want for future posts…

Thank’s and Happy Virtualizing!

Taylor Brown
Hyper-V Integration Test Lead

Version history
Last update:
‎Mar 21 2019 02:43 PM
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