Better theming support for windows

Better theming support for windows



 Nov 06 2021
2 Comments (2 New)

I don't understand why Microsoft keeps forcing major UI changes on users across versions. I like how the stability of the OS has improved overtime but the theming is the most jarring experience in a users relationship with Microsoft. I was thinking maybe there should me more extensive and more customizable theming framework developed with a hierarchical nature of complexity. If something like this was stable across versions, Microsoft could push whatever theming they want as the default for each OS, and show simplified UI interactions, but also have a hierarchical nature of toggles or interactions that enable deeper customization and interaction with the OS. It could also allow users who choose to do so, to carry over there exact "look and feel" throughout versions while allowing Microsoft to maintain whatever image they are choosing to put out at the time. 

Community Manager
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Community Manager

Thanks for the idea! However, this space is only for ideas specifically for the Microsoft Tech Community website, not for Microsoft products. Sorry about that.