"Manifest parsing has failed" while running teams message extension locally.

Copper Contributor


I wanted to add "samplePrompts" property to my manifest json which requires manifest version v1.17. I've changed the schema and version from v1.16 to v1.17. Also removed "packageName" property from manifest json file as v1.17 is not supported the "packageName" property. After that, I tried to run the message extension locally however I am getting below error. 



When I clicked to "Copy error details to clipboard", it give me "packageName | Property "packageName" has not been defined and the schema does not allow additional properties." this error and unable to add message extension app.


Please let me know how can I fix it.

6 Replies

Hello @paraglombar03 
1)Update Manifest Schema and Version:
Ensure that you have updated the $schema and manifestVersion fields in your manifest JSON file to version 1.17.
2)Remove "packageName" Property:
Since version 1.17 does not support the "packageName" property, make sure that you have removed this property from your manifest JSON file.
3)Validate Manifest File:
You can use the Teams Toolkit to validate your manifest file for any errors. Open the command palette (Ctrl+Shift+P) and run the command Teams: Validate manifest file to identify any issues in your manifest.
4) Could you please Clear the cache and try with different tenants.
5)Could you please verify the manifest path and manifest you are uploading is the correct one. 
Could you please refer this sample:
Manifest schema reference - Teams | Microsoft Learn

Hi @vikram-MFST,

First two points have been already implemented. For the third point, please see below screenshot.


Also clear the browser cache. I've just updated existing manifest file not uploaded any external manifest file. Still I am getting the same error.

Hello @paraglombar03
Could you please validate your manifest in teams developer portal ?

Hi @vikram-MFST,


Could you please provide me the steps to validate manifest in Teams developer portal.

Hi @vikram-MFST,


Than you for the instant help. Deleted my app from Teams developer portal as it was referring old manifest file. Updated the manifest json version from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1 and then re-run the same app again, now it is now showing the popup to add app in teams.




Thank you for your help.