Is there a way to give suggestions when user is typing in compose message area

Copper Contributor

When user is typing some characters in message box in teams bot, If we can give suggestions of all the objects which contain these characters. So It will be easier to type. The objects will be changed dynamic and more than 10, so "commands menu"  can not  meet our expectation.


"message extension search commands" is very similar with my expectation, but it can not be invoked from  compose message area.


Could anyone please help give some suggestions?

3 Replies

Hello @Jason1395,
You can use the search based message extension which also uses dynamic search in message box .You can refer this sample on how to implement it- Microsoft-Teams-Samples/samples/msgext-search-quickstart at main · OfficeDev/Microsoft-Teams-Samples...

Hi @Vaibhav-MSFT, thanks very much for your reply.


As far as I know, the search based message extension can only invoked from "the buttons at the bottom of the compose message area"  or "Command box": 







But I want to invoke it from  compose message area directly. Is that possible?



Hello @Jason1395 ,
Dynamic search direct from compose box will not be possible. You have to use message extension. Or you can use combination of adaptive card and message extension with card having the functionality of dynamic search.