New Style
Published Feb 15 2019 02:07 PM 138 Views
First published on TECHNET on Jun 08, 2012

Whoa!  What’s with the new style?!  The System Center engineering team blogs are now part of the Server & Tools blog network which is a select few top tier blogs from the Server and Tools division.  This network is part of a larger network that represent the best blogs on some of the most important topics across both the TechNet and MSDN blogs.

Random factoid: Did you know that taken together, the System Center Engineering Team blogs are #5 on all of TechNet by page views only trailing such venerable blogs as the Exchange blog and the Hey Scripting Guys blog.

We are excited to be a part of this blog network.  This will provide some design consistency across our blogs in the network and make it easier to discover and navigate to other great blogs in the Server & Tools network.

You can find all our System Center blogs under the System Center category:

Note: the System Center Configuration Manager engineering team blog is also going to be included soon.

I also need to go back through and put all of our sidebar and social media content back.  I’ll do that sometime next week.

The design is probably going to evolve a bit so if you have some feedback please let us know!

Version history
Last update:
‎Mar 11 2019 09:26 AM
Updated by: