Grid view configuration and what it means
Published Feb 15 2019 02:21 AM 222 Views
First published on TECHNET on Mar 02, 2010

Below is a skeleton of how a view definition looks like in a management pack.

<View ID="[UniqueViewID]" Target="[TargetClass]" Enabled="true" TypeID="Console!GridViewType" Accessibility="Public">




<Adapter>[Data Adapter]</Adapter>

<Adapter>[List Support Adapter]</Adapter>


<ItemsSource>[List Support Class]</ItemsSource>




<Columns>[Columns] </Columns>

<ViewStrings>[View Strings]</ViewStrings>



Here is a detailed explation of what the configuration means:

ID is the unique name for the view

Target is the class that you want to target the view to

Enabled is a bool stating whether the view is enabled

Accessibility is whether this view can be referenced from other management packs

TypeID is the view type. We currently have 2 view types out of the box

1.       GridViewType is defined in the console management pack. The configuration is <any> which enables to extend the xml configuration not specified by the schema.  This post talks about grid view configuration

<ViewType ID="GridViewType" Accessibility="Public">


<xsd:any minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" processContents="skip" />







2.       OverviewView Type. This is defined in the administration management pack. The configuration again is <any> which

enables to extend the xml configuration not specified by the schema.  The view configuration for this will be discussed later.

<ViewType ID="OverviewType" Accessibility="Public">


<xsd:any minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" processContents="skip" />







Data This section defines how the view gets it data. There are 3 areas within the Data that are needed namely Adapters, ItemsSource and Criteria (if needed)

1.       Adapters: There are two adapters needed here, one for the purpose of where is the data fetched from and the other for the List View presentation

Version history
Last update:
‎Mar 11 2019 08:23 AM
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