Windows Server Container Plugfest
Published Apr 10 2019 04:01 AM 525 Views
First published on TECHNET on Aug 18, 2015

Heya folks, Ned here again with a public service announcement from the Microsoft Container and Filter Team and registering for their upcoming free plugfest. Hurry, the registration period ends on August 31st! Here’s the skinny:

We are pleased to announce Windows Server Container Plugfest. As you know, we recently announced Container Technologies on Windows Server . In today’s cloud-first world, businesses increasingly rely on applications to fuel innovation and productivity. As the cloud evolves, containers are emerging as an attractive way to efficiently build and deploy these applications at the speed of business. Containers offer developers and IT professionals the ability to deploy applications from a workstation to a server in mere seconds, taking development to a whole new level.

It is super important that your filters work well with Windows Container technology. Plugfest provides you the opportunity to test your applications (Anti-Virus, Replication, Redirector, Activity Monitor, Security Enhancer, HSM, and other types) on Windows Container technology. Come test the interoperability of your file system filters and network filters with Microsoft Container Technology on Windows Server. Here are some preliminary event details:


Monday, November 9 th to Thursday, November 12 th , 2015.

The event begins at 9 am and ends at 6 pm each day, except for Thursday, when it ends at 3 pm


Building 37, room 1717, Microsoft Campus, Redmond, Washington. Map.


To register, submit a completed Registration Form no later than August 31 st , 2015. We will follow up through email to confirm the registration. Due to constraints in space and resources at this Plugfest, ISVs are required to limit their participation to a maximum of two persons representing a product to be tested for interoperability issues. There will be no exceptions to this rule, so please plan for the event accordingly. Please look for messages from for registration confirmation.


Free – There is no cost for this event.


ISVs (Independent Software Vendor) and developers writing file system filter drivers and network filter driver for Windows Server.


Compatibility testing with Windows Server Container and Hyper-V Container

  • Test products extensively for interoperability with Windows Server Container and Hyper-V Container. This has traditionally been a great way to understand interoperability scenarios and flush out any interoperability related bugs.
  • Attend talks and informative sessions on Windows Server Container and Hyper-V Container.
  • Meet and interact with engineers from the Microsoft Container and the Microsoft Filter teams and get answers to technical questions.

Please familiarize yourself with the information in Windows Server Containers and Filter Drivers . Prior to Plugfest, we will send instructions for trying out our Container technology with your filter and running some basic tests. This will help you get your filter running with Containers before you come to the event. At Plugfest, you can focus on more complex interop issues.


Microsoft Container and Filter Team

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Last update:
‎Apr 10 2019 04:01 AM
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