Stored Procedure Input Parameter Needed Power Automate

Copper Contributor



I currently have a Stored Procedure that does not have any Input Parameters, it basically updates a Calendar Table, setting columns like  CurrentDay, PreviousDay, CurrentMonth etc... to 1 or 0 if the conditions matches.

I wanted to use Power Automate to run this stored procedure at 12:00 everyday but it failed because Power Automate only executes Stored Procedures with an Input Parameter




What is the most efficient way to add an Input Parameter to my current stored procedure but basically does nothing but still does the update is meant to do.




2 Replies

Hi @SqlAvfc -- You could add a parameter similar to that shown below.  The parameter does nothing at all but satisfies the Power Automate stored procedure requirement.  Take care.


create stored procedure ThisIsAstoredProcedure
    @RequiredParam BIT
    'Logic Here'

To execute the stored procedure:

EXEC ThisIsAstoredProcedure @RequiredParam=1


I found entering {} , works were no parameters are required.
