SQL Server Test Data Automation Tool Looking for Beta Testers

Copper Contributor

Anonomatic is nearing beta for our new Test Data Automation solution, and we are looking for people who are willing to test it out in their own environment. The first DBMS we support is SQL Server and where better for find experts to run it through its paces?

In summary, our containerized solution will let you easily automate the masking of all sensitive data in your SQL Server database so you may safely use production data for non-production uses such as testing and development.


The one-time configuration is quick and easy. Then depending on the size of your database, the entire fully automated process can easily take less than an hour.


Please post a response or contact Anonomatic if you are interested.


Thank you all.


Note: This post seems to be ok according to the discussion rules. If I read them wrong, I apologize. Please let me know and I will take this down and never post like this again here again.

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