not able to connect to sql server using knexjs and node.

Copper Contributor

I am facing some issues in connecting to sql server on my local machine. I have set sql credientials and by using that crediential I am able to connect to sql server management studio but unable to connect to nodejs using knexjs.
Please help me with that.
Thank you 

4 Replies

@vikas0864 , that's to less on information to give you assistant in any way.

Which error message do you get? Do you see details about logon error ins SQL Server ErrorLog and if, which one? Is SQL Server running in "Mixed mode" for authentication?


See Troubleshoot connectivity issues in SQL Server - SQL Server | Microsoft Learn

@olafhelper Yes I am able to login in management studio using mixed mode credientials but not able to login using knexjs node it gives error cannot connect sequence.


Then it's may a more knexjs node related issue; whatever this is.
But while using azure database engine credientials I am able to connect to remote database.
So the code seems to be correct.