New Delivery Model for SQL Server Data Tools in Visual Studio 2019
Published Apr 22 2019 01:33 AM 73.4K Views


SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) has historically been an all-in-one product that allows traditional SQL and BI users to develop SQL related projects including database projects, integration services projects, analysis services projects, reporting services projects, etc. It has been delivered as a standalone installer that allows you to install both the SSDT relational database components that ship with Visual Studio as well as additional components that ship separately from Visual Studio (Analysis Services, Reporting Services, Integration Services) into either an existing Visual Studio instance or a new Visual Studio shell instance if you don’t have one already.


With technologies being advanced and software releases being modernized, the delivery model of SSDT has been changing.


In Visual Studio 2017, we have made a few changes to SSDT delivery model.

  • The database components of SSDT have become a built-in workload in Visual Studio 2017, which do not require the standalone installer.
  • While Analysis Services and Reporting Services components can still be installed via the standalone installer, they can also be from the Visual Studio Market Place directly. (Integration Services component still requires the standalone installer.)

With Visual Studio 2019, we are announcing a few more changes to the delivery model of SSDT:

  • Following Analysis Services and Reporting Services, Integration Services component has also been made available in Visual Studio Market Place as an independent extension. Users can download and install it to an existing instance of Visual Studio 2019.
  • We will no longer offer the standalone installer of SSDT for Visual Studio 2019, since all of its components will become installable either from built-in workloads of Visual Studio or from the Market Place.


Some FAQs:

How do I get the Database Project and related features?

Same as Visual Studio 2017, select SQL Server Data Tools under the Data storage and processing workload during Visual Studio installation.


How do I get the Analysis Services, Reporting Services, or Integration Services projects?

You will be able to find and install them from Visual Studio Market Place as independent extensions.


I used to install Visual Studio through the SSDT standalone installer. How do I install Visual Studio now?

You can download and install Visual Studio 2019 directly from


But I don’t have license for professional or enterprise edition of Visual Studio.

The Community Edition of Visual Studio 2019 allows you to use the above components without the restriction on number of users. For details around licensing, please refer to the EULA of Community Edition.


Copper Contributor

I like the direction this is headed, but did you really have to remove the Sql Server 2012 Target Server option from the latest versions of SSDT?  As developers we finally got Visual Studio to a point that we could support the newer servers and the older servers,  and now we have to take a step back to having 2 different installs if we want to update to anything past SSDT 15.8.0.


@jbleach , support for SQL Server 2012 was added back in SSDT version 15.9.0. Please refer to It is also available in the SSIS extension for VS 2019. 

Copper Contributor

What do enterprise sized organisations who aren't allowed to use the community edition under the EULA and don't have professional or enterprise licences use to install SSDT 2019?


@BarneyL, the EULA of VS 2019 community edition has a section that specifically allows usage without user number restriction as long as you only use the SSDT components (including SSIS). Refer to

Copper Contributor

Will SSIS/SSRS/SSAS ever get added to the VS 2019 installer as workloads/individual components to assist with developer visibility? With the new way of having them as extensions that need to be searched for and installed makes for extra work to configure a VS instance.


Also, not sure if this is intended or not, but when clicking the "Download" button on the new SSIS (Preview) entry on the Manage Extensions window it opened my web browser then used that to download the installer. This seems a little counter-intuitive if you're moving to deploying via the Extensions window. Will the final release just download the VSIX and install it like SSRS does?



@Runciter , we don't have a plan to add these extensions into built-in VS workloads. Shipping outside of the VS releases allows us to iterate faster and more flexibly. For the SSIS extension installation, it is expected that it is still done via an installer instead of VSIX. There are something in SSIS that need to be installed to machine-level, which cannot be included in a VSIX package. 

Copper Contributor

@Tim.ChenThat does seem to be a bit of a step backwards as far as set up goes. Instead of going to the SSDT download page and downloading the installer and installing it while VS is closed, we now have to open VS, skip past the new start screen, open Extensions, find SSIS, click download which opens a browser to download the installer, then close VS and run the installer.


Is there no way it can be included as an initial workload and then updated via Extensions, like Live Share is?


@Runciter you can download the extension from a browser directly without going through VS.

Copper Contributor

@Tim.Chen We currently automate our builds of developer machines and azure devops build agents to ensure we have same versions of tooling used during development and build of code. VS2019 is installed using a pre-defined list of workloads complete with workload exclusions. Is there a method of automating installation of these VSIX files after VS2019 is installed and does it handle updates or do you have to uninstall/reinstall as stated in Rick Strahl's VSIX installer blog? We are able to automate installation of extensions in Visual Studio Code simply by providing a list of extension ids and it pulls and installs them on its own. I've filed a similar request here:


@scienter You'd better post this question to VS developer community, but personally I don't think VSIX installer can handle auto update. On the other hand, our SSIS designer installer is an EXE installer. It also supports quiet mode installation. You can launch it with "/?" argument to get detailed command line options.

Copper Contributor

I cannot download the SQL integration vsix for Visual Studio 2019.  The download button does nothing.  This was working before.


@craig8769 , i just tried downloading from both the website and from VS, and it works fine. Can you try that again at a later time? It could be a transient issue. 

Copper Contributor

Is there an official location to report bugs or get support?  I just attempted to use the Script Task Editor and it shows the script language as "Microsoft Visual C# 2017".  The edit script button gives visual clues that I am attempting to do something with it but appears to be mostly void of any functionality one pressed.  On the first of multiple attempts I did see a timeout message that indicating that there was an 8 second timeout and gave an option to disable the SSIS module or similar.  Subsequent attempts have resulted no feedback whatsoever that the button was actually pressed.  I have VS 2019 Community 16.1.1 installed, since this is a new laptop I don't have any VS 2017 tools installed.



@jdoty Please report issues at VS Developer Community.

Copper Contributor

Greetings! Is this ever going to leave Preview status? I would like to use VS 2019 and the new SSIS but cannot use Preview versions in production. Thanks!


@gksmithlcw , we still need some time to stabilize the SSIS extension so next release (ETA is early Oct) will still be preview version, but that will be the last preview version. The second next release will be the GA version. Thanks for your patience.

Copper Contributor


Thought ask if there is any update, considering it is past mid Oct.



@Ctusa we need a few more days to get release 3.2 out. There are many changes in this release, so it won't be called as GA. We are expecting the GA release will land somewhere around Dec., if 3.2 goes out well. 

Copper Contributor

Hi Tim,


Thanks for getting back. So once it is out will it be just SSIS or will there be SSAS and SSRS pieces in that release as well? Or are they/will-be sepearate?

At your convenience.



@Ctusa it will be just SSIS. SSAS and SSRS have their separate release channel in VS market place. for example, this is the SSAS extension:

Copper Contributor

Awesome! for SSRS search I found the following. Is it good? Thanks




It's not our official SSRS extension. Please search for "reporting services":

Copper Contributor

Thank you.


Copper Contributor

VS2019 Community with datatools has to be located on an unnetworked segment.  Will it attempt to phone home for license and after a period time become inoperative?




Copper Contributor

I am configuring a CI build server and have installed VS Build Tools 2019. Using MSBuild can I build SSIS projects?


@pcdsouza , we only support VS Community, Professional and Enterprise. VS Build Tools lacks some necessary components. You could use VS Community instead.


@SagittariusA, yes VS community requires user sign in and activation within 30 days. Then the activation can last for 1 year. 

Copper Contributor

Sagittarius A   asks;

VS2019 Community with datatools has to be located on an unnetworked segment.  Will it attempt to phone home for license and after a period time become inoperative?


Tim Chen responds;

yes VS community requires user sign in and activation within 30 days. Then the activation can last for 1 year. 


I respond;

What ports need to be opened,  protocols enabled, also what endpoint ip address should be "trusted"  so VS2019 community can phone home for activation?


Thanks so much!

Copper Contributor

I'm having problems to understand this correctly. I'm working in a Data Warehouse Development team in an organization. At the moment we are using SQL Server and Data Tools 2017. So, no license is required. Our company plans to update to the 2019 version in the near future. Are we (DWH developers) allowed to install VS Community 2019 and the BI extensions? Or do we have to buy a pro license?

And if we would install VS Community 2019: do we have to remove all other extensions but the SQL related that are installed by default (e.g. "Class library")?

Copper Contributor


Topic VS2019 Community edition on a secure network.


On inspection.  No indication of what specific URI/Port/trusted end point for licensing scenario  phone home, unless they are all to be opened (Yikes?). 


Just an FYI.  We have no use for VS2019 any edition, we would just like to use the data tools when working with our Enterprise class SQL Servers.  However it appears that Microsoft is pushing VS2019 as the GUI for these tools and perhaps others.  Additionally VS2019 Community Edition while allegedly "free" requires a license to operate even on a secure network (no manual license codes can be applied).  This is will have a profound impact on purchasing/leasing backend Microsoft products for secure venues. 


Is there any other options we may pursue?  There was at one time an on premises licensing server that Microsoft once had if I'm not mistaken? 


Looking for options here.


Thanks so much for your help!



@SagittariusA I checked with VS team, in the doc page the section named "Identity badge" also applies for the licensing scenario. 


For other options, maybe you can consider using a commercial license of VS 2019 like the enterprise edition? 

Copper Contributor



You said;

@@Sagittarius I checked with VS team, in the doc page the section named "Identity badge" also applies for the licensing scenario. 


My reply;

Thanks,  so "Identity badge" section in the URL you referenced previously is the minimal port openings needed so vs2019 can phone home with license info so vs2019 does not self deactivate.


You said;

For other options, maybe you can consider using a commercial license of VS 2019 like the enterprise edition? 


My Reply;

It was my understanding that all editions of VS2019 phone home with license info and that there is no provision for license key entry in any edition?  Is this not true?











@SagittariusA yes, that is for the licensing service. Before that you also need to sign in first, so you will need to open those for sign in as well. 

* Sign-in location
* Sign-in location



For offline activation, I will check with VS team. For VS related questions, I would suggest you try asking on


@SagittariusA I checked with VS team. The pro and enterprise editions can be activated in an offline environment by using a product key. 


@E2Patrick you can use those coming in-box with VS install as long as you are doing SQL development. 

Copper Contributor

I wanted to install some custom SSIS components from but run into a weird problem: has anyone been able to add custom components to the SSIS toolbox in Visual Studio 2019? The components simply don't show up in the SSIS toolbox.


I the past (I come from the BIDS days) you would just right click on the SSIS toolbox and select "Choose Items". This would then open the Choose Items dialog and add a specific tab for SSIS components.


If you do choose items now from the top menu, it only gives you the 4 regularer tabs (.net, COM, Universal and WPF  components) and it allows customizing only the regular toolbox, not the SSIS toolbox.


Googling has brought me nowhere, as if no one has encountered this problem yet? Which I find hard to believe :).


Anyway any help getting custom components to show up in VS 2019 would be appreciated.


@wcos_ , does the target server version of your SSIS project match with the version of the component? From example, if you install a component for SQL 2019, you must make sure your project is targeted to SQL 2019, too.


I've verified at least file watch task ( works fine on my side.

Copper Contributor

I am using VS2019 Community Edition for SSDT only.  One thing that is not clear to me from reading through the EULA for Visual Studio 2019 Community Edition is whether or not SSRS and SSIS objects specifically can be developed in VS2019 Community Edition and then deployed to an Enterprise/production environment.  Would developing with SSDT in VS2019 Community Edition and deploying to a production environment be allowed under the EULA or would we need to use a full version of Visual Studio for deployment to production if it is ONLY used for SSDT?

Version history
Last update:
‎Apr 23 2019 03:48 AM
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