SharePoint 2019 404 not found

Copper Contributor



Today I updated a couple of service accounts password in Central Administration.

It was fine after the change, but after a couple of hours the sites now thrown a 404.


I can access _/layouts/15/viewlsts.aspx or /_layouts/15/settings.aspx but all site pages or /forms/allitems.aspx aren't loading.


Any ideias?

3 Replies


A 404 error in SharePoint can occur for various reasons, including configuration issues and changes to service accounts. Here are some steps to troubleshoot and resolve the issue:

  1. Check SharePoint Services:

Ensure that all SharePoint services are running correctly. Sometimes, restarting services or servers can resolve issues like this.

  1. IIS Reset:

Perform an IIS (Internet Information Services) reset on your SharePoint server. This can sometimes resolve issues related to site accessibility.

  1. Verify Account Credentials:

Double-check that the service accounts you updated have the correct credentials in SharePoint. Ensure that they have the necessary permissions and are not locked out.

  1. Check SharePoint Logs:

Review the SharePoint ULS (Unified Logging Service) logs for any error messages or clues regarding the 404 error. This can help pinpoint the issue. You can find the logs in the SharePoint hive folder.

  1. Check Site Collection Health:

Use SharePoint Central Administration to check the health of your site collection. If there are issues reported, it may provide information on what's causing the problem.

  1. Check Alternate Access Mappings (AAM):

Verify that your SharePoint web application's AAM settings are correctly configured. Incorrect AAM settings can lead to 404 errors.

  1. Verify DNS and Host Headers:

Ensure that DNS is correctly resolving your SharePoint site's URL to the server's IP address. Also, check host headers if you are using them.

  1. Review Custom Solutions or Web Parts:

If you have custom solutions, web parts, or features in your SharePoint environment, they might be causing issues. Disable or remove them temporarily to see if the issue persists.

  1. Check for Site Deletion or Move:

Ensure that the site collections or sites have not been accidentally deleted or moved to a different location. Verify their existence in Central Administration.

  1. Browser Cache and Cookies:

Clear your browser's cache and cookies, as sometimes cached data can lead to 404 errors.

  1. Firewall and Load Balancer:

If you have a firewall or load balancer in your network architecture, check their settings to ensure they are not causing any issues with SharePoint requests.

  1. Run SharePoint Configuration Wizard:

Running the SharePoint Products Configuration Wizard can help repair certain issues with SharePoint configurations.

  1. Recent Updates or Patches:

If you recently applied updates or patches to your SharePoint environment, check if they might be causing compatibility issues. Roll back updates if necessary.

  1. Database Issues:

Verify that the SharePoint content databases are online and healthy. You can use SQL Server Management Studio to check database status.

  1. Check for Network Issues:

Ensure that there are no network-related issues causing connectivity problems between clients and the SharePoint server.


Remember to perform changes carefully and back up your SharePoint environment before making significant configuration changes.


My knowledge of the topic is limited, but since no one has answered yet, even though it has been read many times, I posted the question in various AIs and found the above suggested solution for you. The proposed solution is untested.


My answers are voluntary and without guarantee!


Hope this will help you.

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@NikolinoDE thank you for your reply.


I tried everything above and didn’t work. I even got Microsoft’s support.


Since the client didn’t have the passphrase for the installation I wasn’t able to create a new farm.


I had to create a new server and do a fresh SharePoint installation.


Everything seems to be running smoothly now.

Thank you for your feedback.
I'm glad you came to a solution. I think it was time-consuming, but the result makes you feel relieved.
I also wish you much success!