Cannot login to Service Trust Portal

Copper Contributor



I'm trying to get some certificates from the service trust portal, but I keep getting "Service Trust Portal no longer support Microsoft Account (MSA) access." I'm using an account registered on Azure and I checked the Azure Active Directory, and the user exists (seeing it's the owner of the account).

What am I missing here?



4 Replies
Hello jfalomir,
I am facing the same issue. Any tips how to get it resolved?

Thank you.

Hi @jamalotp I have the same problem, any suggestions to resolve it? 


Thank you.

@jfalomir I am facing the same issue



Looks like your service principal for service trust is disabled by your resource tenant.


run the PS command to enable it:




Find the service trust object ID and enable it


Set-AzureADServicePrincipal -ObjectId <objectID>-AccountEnabled $true


if you check the sign in logs, you will see failure and reason would be the app is disabled.