Azure Active Directory Premium reporting now detects leaked credentials
Published Sep 08 2018 06:53 AM 14.2K Views
Community Manager

First published on CloudBlogs on Jun 15, 2015 by the Microsoft Azure Active Directory Team
Hello Everyone! You deal with phishing attacks and malware every day, and the news is littered with articles on systems which are breached and have leaked username/password pairs. In aggregate, 10s of millions of credentials are exposed every month. Bad actors collect, sell, and share large lists of user account credentials from these breaches. Because 3 out of 4 users re-use credentials across multiple sites, there's a good chance that your users' credentials are in those lists. As part of running our consumer and enterprise identity systems, Microsoft discovers account credentials posted publically and we are making this information available to you so you can protect your enterprise when your users' account credentials are at risk. Today we're pleased to announce that this report is in preview for Azure AD Premium customers in the Azure management portal. The report surfaces any matches between these leaked credentials list and your tenant. You can go to the Azure management portal , select your Active Directory instance and look under your tenant's reports for "Users with leaked credentials."


The report shows you the users we've found and when we discovered the leaked credentials. To mitigate the security risk, we recommend you to enable Multi-Factor Authentication or reset the password for the accounts listed. Multi-Factor Authentication can help mitigate the impact of leaked passwords by adding a layer of security to passwords. Multi-Factor Authentication not just provides additional security but it prepares you for recovery. To get started with Multi-Factor Authentication, check out this walkthrough video. If you're familiar with Multi-Factor Authentication, go here to enable your users for it. Along with Multi-Factor Authentication, user education can help reduce the likelihood. Make sure your users have read and are following your corporate IT policies. Lastly, enforced password expiration can reduce the amount of time a leaked credential remains viable. You can configure password expiry duration using the Set-MsolPasswordPolicy cmdlet from the Azure Active Directory Module for Windows Powershell. If you have questions or feedback on the leaked credentials report or any Azure Active Directory feature, please let us know through the feedback link in the Azure portal or through the Azure feedback forum here . Hope this is useful and helps keep you and your employees safer! David Howell (Twitter: @David_A_Howell) Partner Group Program Manager, Microsoft Identity and Security Services Division

Brass Contributor

A question if I may.  

If The Leaked credentials report shows someone on the report.   The user then changes the password and we resolve the alert.  If the same user shows up again, in a few days, weeks, does this mean that the "changed" password has ALSO been found on the Internet as compromised and should be changed again.  Along for a tutorial on password choosing?

Thanks for your article and any response. - David

Copper Contributor

Is there a way to determine where the leaked passwords were found? Does it list what the user name and password that was found is? 

Brass Contributor

I am not aware of how to tell "where" or "what".  I can only assume Microsoft has some secret sauce that performs this activity.    Its lists the user, and advises that their username/password has been matched out there somewhere.  From that, it is best to have user change password soonest, and not to be using one from their previous 12 as those habits are known to the bad guys.

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‎May 11 2021 01:55 PM
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