Nested Lookups in SharePoint Lists

Copper Contributor

Hi All,

I have a tricky challenge (at least I think it is):

One requirement of quality management is that it be documented who is assigned which role(s) in the company and also which responsibilities and qualification requirements are associated with which role. So this is a hirarchical dependancy (Person->role(s)->qualification(s)). I have now a list with all relevant qualifications. These are accessible via a lookup column (multiselect) from the list of all relevant roles. So that each role is associated with one or more qualifications. Then there is also a staff list where each staff member is associated with one ore more roles (as per multiselect lookup column referencing the roles list). Now comes the part where I have not been able to progress. I would like to have a flow that I can trigger for a selected staff member to look up all associated roles and then all associated qualification requirements and copy these into the employee onboarding checklist. I figured I could do this with two nested "apply to each" loops, the outer one working on all roles from the trigger employee, and the inner one working on all qualifications for each role. My problem now is that I cannot reference the qualifications in the outer loop to set up the inner loop with a "get Item".

Does anybody have an idea what I might be doing wrong?

Best regards


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