Task Ordering capabilities in Planner?

Copper Contributor

We use Planner to track tasks related to a specific type of business strategy.  We have a Backlog bucket and would like to take advantage of  capabilities to re-order tasks in the bucket to prioritize in what order tasks should move out of the backlog.  


Today, we must manually order the position of tasks in a bucket.  It would be great if Planner had the capability to bulk re-order tasks, similar to how column positioning is performed for SharePoint lists.


Is bulk re-ordering on the roadmap for Planner?


Thanks -PT

4 Replies
I am not aware of this feature coming to Planner. Best you can do is to go to Planner User Voice and check if there is an idea for this feature posted there. If that's not the case, please post it so others can vote for the idea

@Juan Carlos González Martín - will do. thanks for the insight!

@Pat_Tepen alternately, you can use categories in the tasks and group by the categories. Have you tried it previously? 

@SanthoshB1   Hi Santhosh - thanks for the reply.

If I understand correctly, the term category and label are synonymous.  We currently utilize the max labels available for filtering and grouping purposes.  It would be great if a future Planner capability would include something like this.  



Task NamePosition from Top [current position in Bucket displayed, with the option to re-order]
Task A1
Task B2
Task C3
Task D4
Task E5