Outlook.com Sync email - Unable to load these settings. Please try again later.

Copper Contributor
For over a week, I have had the message "Unable to load these settings. Please try again later." in my "Sync email" settings in Outlook.com.

Is anyone else having this issue?

I see this was an issue in 2022, but I am having it now.  Tried different browsers and computers, still not working.

77 Replies
I've got this problem, too. Rcently changed my password with xfinity/comcast, now unable to update this in/with outlook.com. Have been looking for cause and solution today, haven't found anything.
I have been having the same issue for about a month now. Is there any solution? I see this error message also using the outlook new app.

@Rautreh It must be a glitch with Microsoft. It would be nice if they would respond to this thread! Oh well, I’ll empty my Comcast email account and read my messages there:-(

It's a bug that only affects users who have connected accounts. I asked my contacts in support about it but have not heard back yet - but have been recommending users contact outlook.com support to report it.

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Ah, so I did that and this is what Microsoft Level 1 Support told me this afternoon after they were in communication with Level 2 Support: "...the page load error is a world wide issue and we are working on this issue to fix this issue." They also said: "Microsoft removed the ability to connect any other accounts to Outlook.com on May 10, 2021, but accounts connected before May 10, 2021, will continue to sync." Will wait and see if it starts working again. My guess is that eventually sync email is going to be completely removed from Outlook.com, that one will have to use the desktop app if one wants that function, though that seems counter-intuitive to the cloud movement.

I am having the same issue presently. I had to change a password for a different account that gets forwarded to my outlook account. But due to the “sync email” setting not being available, I can’t update the setting and sync my email accounts. This exact same problem happened in 2022, and it took Microsoft over a month to fix the problem and regain access to the “sync email” settings.

@Jeffc19 I have had exactly the same issue due to the need to change the password on a legacy Comcast/Xfinity synced account precipitated by a data breach at that origin. Now I cannot sync or coordinate with my outlook/hotmail account. In reading further, it appears to be a Microsoft worldwide issue, so for now we wait for the bug fix.

Looks like my sync stopped around 30th Dec, but I didn't realise and just assumed had no new e-mails (but they were all stacking up in my other accounts).
Really hope MS get this sorted soon.
Well what dya know! Low and behold, as if by magic...
...my sync suddenly started working!
(ok, "sarcasm" mode off now - grateful mode engaged! 😅)

@PaulN_UK, nice! Mine still not working. Tried it when I saw that yours began working, thought it was going to because it took a little longer, but then same error message. -John

This is a joke! I've got the same error and also get emails frequently telling me to update my Sync? Why don't Microsoft clearly post the issue and when a fix can be expected? Also, whether they will be still supporting Sync, if not when do they expect it will cease?
+1 with my linked @comcast.net email address.
I created a new outlook.com email account on January 10th and tried to sync it with all of my other accounts, it gives me the same error message Outlook.com Sync email - Unable to load these settings. Please try again later. Yet when I created a new outlook.com email account in December 2023 it let me sync that account. Contacted Microsoft Support and I even let them connect to my desktop computer remotely, They were unable to resolve this issue. This is very frustrating to me.
tried to sync it with all of my other accounts
How did you try syncing it with your other accounts?

The original message in this thread refers to the Connected Account feature, which was removed from accounts not using it back in May 2021. Only people using it then can use it now but the Settings > Mail > Sync Email page (https://outlook.live.com/mail/0/options/mail/accounts) is not loading. Everyone else can access that page.



I sign into my account where all my other accounts are synced, and I go to the tool bar, in the above right hand corner is the gear icon, a drop down menu will open and I select Sync email, when that window opens it tells me  "Unable to lead these settings. Please try again later." Yet I was able to sync a new outlook.com account that I created in December 2023 in this manner, why is it no longer available. I have 8 separate email addresses synced to my main account, this is how I am able to read all of my messages online.