Security Academy for Copilot Partners

BE READY FOR COPILOT! This is the motto of our skilling program for you to have your Governance/Cybersecurity in place.
Microsoft 365 Copilot takes Security to the next level and adds a superset of features that enable people to be productive and creative at work in a whole new way by grounding answers in your business data. It will be the future way of our customers to experience our Microsoft cloud solutions. That's why today we need to ensure data, governance and cybersecurity at their foundations. Skilling up on these topics and becoming trusted advisors for our customers is essential, which is why we are launching the Be ready for Copilot - Sales skilling program. 
Welcome to our focused session on Zero Trust security and Data Governance in the era of AI. As SMB resellers in the Netherlands, you will gain insights into implementing these frameworks to enhance your service offerings like Copilot. Our goal is to provide you with the practical.
For more information about the event "Security Academy for Copilot Partners": in person attendance or join virtually via Teams.
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