Teams v2 and Viva Connections only works if you have OneDrive

Copper Contributor

So far OneDrive is not activated and I used Viva Connection with Teams v1.

With Teams v2 clicking on Viva Connections does not produce anything else than a never ending rolling circle.

Fiddler was showing a call to and nothing happened.

The API is not documented but the  "me/files" term guided me to the root cause: Viva Connections used from Teams V2 does not start if you don't have any OneDrive personal site and if you have disabled the option to create a personal site.

I am now waiting from Microsoft Support & Product group to fix that as this new dependency is totally undocumented, unplanned and cannot be satisfied by the end of March 2024 for me and for many companies using Viva Connections. 

1 Reply
This has been fixed in march 2024, Viva Connection can be reached from Teams v2 even if you do not have any OneDrive