Teams Meeting limited to 80 participants

Copper Contributor

We're still hitting an 80 participants limitation with a Teams meeting. All the documentation says it's been increased to 250. I cant figure this out and of course limited with resources right now. We've been in Office 365 for several years, so I guessing the migration to Teams from SfB hit a snag or needs adjusted. Anyone with some insight or suggestions.

3 Replies
Are you by chance using Free Teams version?
No, all 100+ participants are e3 licenses. We created a meeting in Teams, then invited our "Internal Everyone" distribution list to avoid missing anyone. The Teams calendar item does list all the employees individually showing their Teams status and 365 profile picture so it doesnt appear they're listed as guests.

For anyone else coming across this problem. Microsoft Support finally called me today and said they cannot help unless we have another meeting and have the users that cannot get into the meeting take screenshots. So I guess we're stuck with never using Teams for meetings more than 80 people.