Some users don't receive emails for missed activity (conversations) in org-wide team

Copper Contributor



I have created an org-wide team with several channels for posting news.

The key feature is the email notification on "missed" posts in teams as I am going for an internal newsletter tool. 


All channels are pinned visible in the config of this specific team.

The posts contain an "@channel"-mentioning for the corresponding channel.


Some users won't get emails regarding missed activity. Even when I test with "@user": All they get is an activity and an "@" and a "1" at the Teams-tab, but never an email from this org-wide team.


I have already checked the settings for channel notifications (email is activated) and the delay (which was at 1 hour in the beginning and was changed to "asap" for testing). This specific user gets mails from missed chats and other teams within 3 minutes after posting.


I don't now where to check next and I hope that somebody has an idea on how to resolve this..


Thank you and have a nice day,


6 Replies
Keep in mind that the email won’t be sent if the user is not offline or has been active for a certain amount of time

@adam deltinger


Hi Adam,


I do understand that. However nobody is online 24/7 and we send out a lot of posts. Some users won't ever get mails from this team. I suspect it's an issue with this exact feature that you've mentioned..





@MRO123  @adam deltinger

I am seeing similar issue. In one specific instance i know for a fact the account is offline as it is a secondary account that a user has which has all email forwarded to his primary account so any channel mention should be included in the missed activity emails that get sent out and the offline account is not receiving them.

@Joe McGowan 



I guess the outcome depends on a couple of factors  

  • Are you online in the desktop app?
  • Are you online in the web app?
  • Are you online in the mobile app?
  • How did you set up your notification settings?
  • (+ some other factors that I don't understand)


I get new behaviors and old ones dissapear on a regular basis.

My newest (gained) one is that I get email summaries of missed activities, even thought I have already seen them in the desktop app...


At this point I have accepted that the behaviors are volatile and that I don't get a definitive answer from Microsoft trough their ticket service..





Thanks for the update.  Without detailed documentation its hard to troubleshoot if this isn't working or the user just doesn't understand how it works.  I don't like misinforming our users.