Show more than 4 people on Teams video

Iron Contributor



Looking back through previous forum posts, it looks like there have been plans to expand the max number of windows shown in calls from 2x2 to 3x3, so you would be able to see 9 people on video at a time rather than 4.


Has there been any progress on this? You're probably aware that a huge number of people are now working from home, so this would be a very useful feature to have at the moment!





84 Replies

and now the Pop Out Chat windows!! Microsoft on a roll !! 


Getting warmed up for Tasks in Teams!

@Derek_Hart  where are you doing hearings from?  I'm interested because we are doing hearings in Texas and we can't use teams because the IT doesn't allow anyone outside the organization to participate.  If you were able to convince your IT department to allow it, I would love to know how you did that.  We're doing everything in Zoom.  Sorry Zoom, not in love.  It would be so much easier if we work with outside people also.



As I am the Head of IT for my organisation I lead the decision about what tools are used to meet business requirements. Business requirements are paramount but IT should recommend the best tools to use to deliver those requirements so that the organisation can maintain a consistent IT strategic direction and tool-set.

We are one of the UK Health Care Regulators and used to do all in person Hearings from our central London Office. Since the pandemic we have done all virtual Hearings using Teams and numerous cases have been completed in that way. We are now restarting some physical Hearings where relevant parties agree (not sure on how that decision is made - it is a business decision not IT).

Our Microsoft Teams environment allows external people to use Teams so I guess that would be a simple setting change by IT in your environment.

You can use poor practice for anything and Zoom has received lots of poor press - but I suspect that is more about how it can be used badly. Zoom can be used securely and successfully. 

However, I think Teams has a really good interface and links in really well with the rest of the Microsoft stack. The latest improvements (changing to 9 participants) and hand raising have improved it further, and future enhancements like showing more participants could make it great.

So we intend sticking with Teams. Good luck with your process.





Actually the linux version is still 2x2... 



Interesting. Is that the same for an Mac client as well?


Have you voted by the way? Not sure if there is a separate request area for Linux clients but vote here:

