How to share file link in Private chat?

Copper Contributor



I recently got in a somewhat embarrassing situation at work. My boss calls me in her office and instructs me to prepare some slides for the staff meeting on friday, but when she goes to send me a link to the presentation on teams, we find that there seems to be no option for this at all! She is able to send me a version of the document by downloading it and attaching it (which would mean that I would be working in a separate document) or copy and paste the url of the link in chat itself, but that just appears as inert text. 


Does anybody here know how to share file links in private chats? 


I know that the function is there for team channels (selecting attach, and then "browse Teams and Channels" option), but I am suprised to find that this option seems to be missing from private chats. 

The official guide i could find, excludes this as well, an only mentions the option in channel posts. (Link here


From what I can read around forums, this may have to do with private chats using onedrive and teams using sharepoint, but I am quite suprised that it seems genuinely impossible to send a link. (I mean, I could send the link in a facebook message and it would work fine) 


Is there something I am missing, or does anybody know a workaround for this? 


Thank you! 


7 Replies
If you have Onesrive provisioned and you are both internal users there should be an option to share a file in a private chat! There should be a files tab to within the chat as well! By uploading this document from OneDrive or your desktop this actually just creates a sharing link to the attendees of the chat

Hi @adam deltinger 


Are you refering to the option below? 


It brings op the below window, from which I seemingly can only access my personal files. What I need is an option to share links to files which are in a team, directly with the team members, without having to put it as a post on the "wall". 

Share file - Onedrive.png

You can just go to any document in teams- right click - “copy link” and then paste this link in any chat

@adam deltinger 


It seems to just appear as the url without any hyperlink. Is there anything I might be doing wrong? 



Strange! It appears as a hyperlink to me

@adam deltinger 


Okay, interesting. Might be some specific I am doing then. 

It does seem like a very cumbersome way of doing it, but if there is no other way of doing it... 


Thank you for the help.